-- *****************************************************************
-- December 2005, Bijoy M. Chandrasekharan
-- Copyright (c) 2004-2006 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- *****************************************************************


            FROM SNMPv2-SMI
            FROM SNMPv2-CONF
            FROM CISCO-SMI;

ciscoRttMonCapability MODULE-IDENTITY
    LAST-UPDATED    "200512140000Z"
    ORGANIZATION    "Cisco Systems, Inc."
            "       Cisco Systems
                    Customer Service

            Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive
                    San Jose, CA  95134

               Tel: +1 800 553-NETS

            E-mail: cs-ipsla@cisco.com"
        "Agent capabilities for CISCO-RTTMON-MIB on CRS-1 
         IOS-XR Release 3.3"
    REVISION "200512140000Z"
        "Agent capabilities for CISCO-RTTMON-MIB"
    REVISION "200506090000Z"
        "Added capability definition ciscoRttMonCapV12R0403rdT for
    REVISION "200505010000Z"
        "Added capability definition ciscoRttMonCapV12R0402ndT
        for 12.4(2nd)T and ciscoRttMonCapV12R0206thSX for
    REVISION "200405310000Z"
        "Initial Creation"
    ::= { ciscoAgentCapability 62 }

ciscoRttMonCapabilityRev1 AGENT-CAPABILITIES
    PRODUCT-RELEASE "Cisco IOS 12.3(6th)T"
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION     "Cisco RTTMON MIB capabilities"
        INCLUDES    { ciscoCtrlGroupRev3, ciscoStatsGroup,
                      ciscoHistoryGroup, ciscoCtrlGroupRev1,
                      ciscoCtrlGroupRev2, ciscoLatestOperGroupRev1,
                      ciscoStatsGroupRev1, ciscoStatsGroupRev3,
                      ciscoStatsGroupRev4, ciscoStatsGroupRev5,
                      ciscoApplGroupRev2, ciscoApplGroupRev3,
                      ciscoCtrlGroupRev4, ciscoCtrlGroupRev5,
                      ciscoCtrlGroupRev6, ciscoCtrlGroupRev7,
                      ciscoCtrlGroupRev8, ciscoCtrlGroupRev9,
                      ciscoNotificationGroup }

    VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminProtocol
    DESCRIPTION "protocol value mplsLspPingAppl Not supported"

    VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminLSPFECType
    ACCESS not-implemented
    DESCRIPTION "Not supported"

    VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminLSPSelector         
    ACCESS not-implemented
    DESCRIPTION "Not supported"

    VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminLSPReplyMode         
    ACCESS not-implemented
    DESCRIPTION "Not supported"

    VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminLSPTTL             
    ACCESS not-implemented
    DESCRIPTION "Not supported"

    VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminLSPExp             
    ACCESS not-implemented
    DESCRIPTION "Not supported"

    ::= { ciscoRttMonCapability 1 }

    PRODUCT-RELEASE "Cisco IOS 12.4(2nd)T"
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION     "Cisco RTTMON MIB capabilities"
        INCLUDES    { ciscoStatsGroup, ciscoHistoryGroup,
                      ciscoCtrlGroupRev1, ciscoCtrlGroupRev2,
                      ciscoLatestOperGroupRev1, ciscoStatsGroupRev1,
                      ciscoStatsGroupRev3, ciscoStatsGroupRev4,
                      ciscoStatsGroupRev5, ciscoApplGroupRev2,
                      ciscoApplGroupRev3, ciscoCtrlGroupRev4,
                      ciscoCtrlGroupRev6, ciscoCtrlGroupRev7,
                      ciscoCtrlGroupRev9, ciscoCtrlGroupRev10,
                      ciscoCtrlGroupRev11, ciscoNotificationGroupRev1,
                      ciscoStatsGroupRev6, ciscoCtrlGroupRev12 }

        VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminProtocol
        DESCRIPTION "protocol value mplsLspPingAppl Not supported"

        VARIATION rttMonCtrlAdminRttType
        DESCRIPTION "RttMonRttType value lspGroup Not supported"

        VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminLSPFECType
        ACCESS not-implemented
        DESCRIPTION "Not supported"

        VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminLSPSelector
        ACCESS not-implemented
        DESCRIPTION "Not supported"

        VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminLSPReplyMode
        ACCESS not-implemented
        DESCRIPTION "Not supported"

        VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminLSPTTL
        ACCESS not-implemented
        DESCRIPTION "Not supported"

        VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminLSPExp
        ACCESS not-implemented
        DESCRIPTION "Not supported"

        VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminLSPReplyDscp
        ACCESS not-implemented
        DESCRIPTION "Not supported"

        VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminLSPNullShim
        ACCESS not-implemented
        DESCRIPTION "Not supported"

    ::= { ciscoRttMonCapability 2 }

    PRODUCT-RELEASE "Cisco IOS 12.2(6th)SX"
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION     "Cisco RTTMON MIB capabilities"
        INCLUDES    { ciscoStatsGroup, ciscoHistoryGroup,
                      ciscoCtrlGroupRev1, ciscoCtrlGroupRev2,
                      ciscoLatestOperGroupRev1, ciscoStatsGroupRev1,
                      ciscoStatsGroupRev3, ciscoStatsGroupRev4,
                      ciscoApplGroupRev2, ciscoApplGroupRev3,
                      ciscoCtrlGroupRev4, ciscoCtrlGroupRev6,
                      ciscoCtrlGroupRev7, ciscoCtrlGroupRev8,
                      ciscoCtrlGroupRev9, ciscoCtrlGroupRev10,
                      ciscoCtrlGroupRev11, ciscoNotificationGroupRev1,
                      ciscoStatsGroupRev7, ciscoCtrlGroupRev13,
                      ciscoNotificationGroupRev2, ciscoApplGroupRev4,
                      ciscoStatsGroupRev7 }

        VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminProtocol
        DESCRIPTION "protocol value voipAppl and rtpAppl Not supported"

        VARIATION rttMonCtrlAdminRttType
        DESCRIPTION "RttMonRttType value voip and rtp Not supported"

        VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminPrecision
        ACCESS not-implemented
        DESCRIPTION "Not supported"

        VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminProbePakPriority
        ACCESS not-implemented
        DESCRIPTION "Not supported"

        VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminOWNTPSyncTolAbs
        ACCESS not-implemented
        DESCRIPTION "Not supported"

        VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminOWNTPSyncTolPct
        ACCESS not-implemented
        DESCRIPTION "Not supported"

        VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminOWNTPSyncTolType
        ACCESS not-implemented
        DESCRIPTION "Not supported"

        VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminCalledNumber
        ACCESS not-implemented
        DESCRIPTION "Not supported"

        VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminDetectPoint
        ACCESS not-implemented
        DESCRIPTION "Not supported"

        VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminGKRegistration
        ACCESS not-implemented
        DESCRIPTION "Not supported"

        VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminSourceVoicePort
        ACCESS not-implemented
        DESCRIPTION "Not supported"

        VARIATION rttMonEchoAdminCallDuration
        ACCESS not-implemented
        DESCRIPTION "Not supported"
    ::= { ciscoRttMonCapability 3 }

    PRODUCT-RELEASE "Cisco IOS 12.4(3rd)T"
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION     "Cisco RTTMON MIB capabilities"
        INCLUDES    { ciscoStatsGroup, ciscoHistoryGroup,
                      ciscoCtrlGroupRev1, ciscoCtrlGroupRev2,
                      ciscoLatestOperGroupRev1, ciscoStatsGroupRev1,
                      ciscoStatsGroupRev3, ciscoStatsGroupRev4,
                      ciscoStatsGroupRev5, ciscoApplGroupRev2,
                      ciscoApplGroupRev3, ciscoCtrlGroupRev4,
                      ciscoCtrlGroupRev6, ciscoCtrlGroupRev7,
                      ciscoCtrlGroupRev9, ciscoCtrlGroupRev10,
                      ciscoCtrlGroupRev11, ciscoNotificationGroupRev1,
                      ciscoStatsGroupRev6, ciscoCtrlGroupRev12,
                      ciscoCtrlGroupRev8, ciscoStatsGroupRev7,
                      ciscoCtrlGroupRev13, ciscoNotificationGroupRev2,
                      ciscoApplGroupRev4, ciscoStatsGroupRev8,
              ciscoStatsGroupRev9, ciscoCtrlGroupRev13

    ::= { ciscoRttMonCapability 4 }

    PRODUCT-RELEASE "Cisco IOS XR release 3.3 for CRS-1"
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION     "Cisco RTTMON MIB capabilities." 

    INCLUDES        {        
                      ciscoStatsGroup,     ciscoStatsGroupRev1,
                      ciscoStatsGroupRev3, ciscoStatsGroupRev5,
                      ciscoHistoryGroup,   ciscoApplGroupRev3,
                      ciscoCtrlGroupRev1,  ciscoCtrlGroupRev2,
                      ciscoCtrlGroupRev7,  ciscoCtrlGroupRev10,
                      ciscoCtrlGroupRev11, ciscoNotificationGroupRev1

    VARIATION       rttMonStatsCollectNumDisconnects
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonStatsCollectTimeouts
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonStatsCollectBusies
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonStatsCollectNoConnections
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonStatsCollectDrops
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonStatsCollectSequenceErrors
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonStatsCollectVerifyErrors
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonStatsCollectAddress
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonStatsTotalsElapsedTime
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonStatsTotalsInitiations
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonHistoryCollectionApplSpecificSense
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonHistoryCollectionSenseDescription
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonCtrlAdminOwner
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonCtrlAdminRttType
     SYNTAX         INTEGER
     DESCRIPTION    "Current MIB implementation supports the rtt
                     types, 'echo', 'pathEcho', 'udpEcho' & 'jitter'."

    VARIATION       rttMonCtrlAdminThreshold
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonCtrlAdminFrequency
     SYNTAX         Integer32 (1..604800)
     DESCRIPTION    "Frequency value of 0 is not a valid one, hence
                     setting the minimum frequency to 1 by
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonCtrlAdminTimeout
     SYNTAX         Integer32 (1..604800000)
     DESCRIPTION    "Timeout value of 0 is not a valid one, hence
                    setting the minimum timeout value to 1 by
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonCtrlAdminNvgen
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonScheduleAdminRttLife
     SYNTAX         Integer32 (1..2147483647)
     DESCRIPTION    "Rtt life value of 0 is not a valid one, hence
                    setting the minimum Rtt life value to 1 by
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonEchoAdminProtocol
     SYNTAX         INTEGER
     DESCRIPTION    "The current MIB implementation supports only 
                    echo, pathEcho, udpEcho & jitter rttTypes. These
                    uses the above 3 protocols."

    VARIATION       rttMonEchoAdminPktDataResponseSize
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation,since backend support is not 

    VARIATION       rttMonEchoAdminTargetPort
     SYNTAX         Integer32 (1..65535)
     DESCRIPTION    "The valid range of port numbers is 0-65535 and
                    port 0 is not supported by ipsla backend."

    VARIATION       rttMonEchoAdminSourcePort
     SYNTAX         Integer32 (1..65535)
     DESCRIPTION    "The valid range of port numbers is 0-65535 and
                    port 0 is not supported by ipsla backend.
                    This object is applicable to udpEcho & jitter
                    probes only."

    VARIATION       rttMonCtrlOperDiagText
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonCtrlOperResetTime
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonCtrlOperOctetsInUse
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonCtrlOperVerifyErrorOccurred
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonCtrlOperState
     SYNTAX         INTEGER
     DESCRIPTION    "read/write of any other values to this object is not
                    supported by the current MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestRttOperCompletionTime
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestRttOperSense
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestRttOperApplSpecificSense
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestRttOperSenseDescription
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestRttOperTime
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestRttOperAddress
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonReactTriggerAdminStatus
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonReactTriggerOperState
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddressString
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation, since DNS probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonEchoAdminNameServer
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation, since DNS probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonEchoAdminOperation
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation, since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonEchoAdminHTTPVersion
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonEchoAdminURL
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonEchoAdminCache
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonEchoAdminInterval
     SYNTAX         Integer32 (1..60000)
     DESCRIPTION    "An interval value of 0 does not make sense,
                     hence the minimum changed to 1 by the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonEchoAdminProxy
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonEchoAdminString1
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonEchoAdminString2
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonEchoAdminString3
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonEchoAdminString4
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonEchoAdminString5
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonEchoAdminMode
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since FTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonHTTPStatsCompletions
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonHTTPStatsOverThresholds
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonHTTPStatsRTTSum
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonHTTPStatsRTTSum2Low
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonHTTPStatsRTTSum2High
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonHTTPStatsRTTMin
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonHTTPStatsRTTMax
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonHTTPStatsDNSRTTSum
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonHTTPStatsTCPConnectRTTSum
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonHTTPStatsTransactionRTTSum
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonHTTPStatsMessageBodyOctetsSum
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonHTTPStatsDNSServerTimeout
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonHTTPStatsTCPConnectTimeout
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonHTTPStatsTransactionTimeout
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonHTTPStatsDNSQueryError
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonHTTPStatsHTTPError
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonHTTPStatsError
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonHTTPStatsBusies
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation , since HTTP probes are not
                    supported by backend"

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestJitterOperOWSumSD
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestJitterOperOWSum2SD
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestJitterOperOWMinSD
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestJitterOperOWMaxSD
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestJitterOperOWSumDS
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestJitterOperOWSum2DS
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestJitterOperOWMinDS
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestJitterOperOWMaxDS
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestJitterOperNumOfOW
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonApplMaxPacketDataSize
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonApplTimeOfLastSet
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonApplSupportedRttTypesValid
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonApplSupportedProtocolsValid
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonApplReset
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonApplProbeCapacity
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonApplLatestSetError
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonGrpScheduleAdminProbes
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonGrpScheduleAdminPeriod
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonGrpScheduleAdminFrequency
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonGrpScheduleAdminLife
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonGrpScheduleAdminAgeout
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonGrpScheduleAdminStatus
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonJitterStatsAvgJitter
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonJitterStatsAvgJitterSD
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonJitterStatsAvgJitterDS
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonJitterStatsUnSyncRTs
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestJitterOperIAJIn
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestJitterOperIAJOut
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestJitterOperAvgJitter
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestJitterOperAvgSDJ
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestJitterOperAvgDSJ
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestJitterOperOWAvgSD
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestJitterOperOWAvgDS
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestJitterOperNTPState
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonLatestJitterOperUnSyncRTs
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonReactVar
     SYNTAX         INTEGER
     DESCRIPTION    "The values mentioned above are supported 
                     for this object."

    VARIATION       rttMonGrpScheduleAdminFreqMax
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    VARIATION       rttMonGrpScheduleAdminFreqMin
     ACCESS         not-implemented
     DESCRIPTION    "This object is not supported in the current
                    MIB implementation."

    ::= { ciscoRttMonCapability 5 }